The History of Ultralock™ and the Growing Importance of Security Locks in 2023

The history of Ultralock™ and the growing importance of security locks in 2023

Effective security barriers have become an utmost priority in today’s world of heightened security concerns. Residential and commercial spaces alike are recognising the importance of safeguarding their premises. This understanding has made security gates and locks prominent and indispensable features. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the birth and evolution of history of Ultralock™, a groundbreaking innovation in security gate locks. Join us as we explore the need for effective security barriers in 2023 and beyond.


The Need for Effective Security Barriers in an Era of Heightened Security Concerns

With the ever-increasing security concerns in today’s world, the demand for effective security barriers has become paramount. In an era of heightened security concerns, there is a pressing need for robust measures to safeguard residential and commercial spaces.


Security gates have emerged as prominent and indispensable features in achieving this goal. Security gates are designed to enhance security and regulate access to buildings. They serve as physical barriers preventing unauthorised entry and protecting valuable assets. These gates are typically made from sturdy materials such as steel or aluminium and often come with additional security features like electronic locks or alarm systems.


Residential buildings can greatly benefit from security gates as they provide an added layer of protection for homes and enhance privacy for residents. Similarly, commercial buildings can use these gates to regulate entry, ensuring only authorised individuals have access, thus safeguarding valuable assets.


Both residents and key individuals in commercial settings can benefit when it comes to utilising security gates. Residents can ensure their home security<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> and protection through these gates. At the same time, key individuals in commercial establishments can control access, creating a secure environment for employees and customers.


Different types of security gates are available, including steel or aluminium sliding gates. These gates differ in terms of their locking mechanisms as well. Two common options are slam lock and deadlock security gates. Slam lock gates offer quick locking and priming features, allowing for immediate securing of premises. Deadlock gates are key-operated with increased strength, providing maximum security.

Slam lock security gates offer several benefits, such as quick and convenient locking and a priming feature that ensures immediate locking when needed. This ensures proper security measures by keeping the gate locked at all times.

metal working working with metal

worker working in metal cutting

The history of Ultralock™: A revolutionary product in the commercial and residential security sector

The development of Ultralock technology has revolutionised the field of security gate solutions and door locks. From its inception as an idea to the creation of a prototype through extensive testing and improvements, Ultralock has redefined the concept of effective security barriers since its inception. Its impact has been significant, providing enhanced security measures and peace of mind for residential and commercial spaces. 

Ultralock™ History and world-class reputation

During the late 1980s, a growing need for enhanced home and commercial security became increasingly evident. This demand caught the attention of Ultrafab and, notably, Hennie van Niekerk, the visionary inventor behind the groundbreaking Ultralock™. 


They recognised a significant gap in the security market – the absence of a readily available and effective security lock tailored specifically for steel doors and burglar gates. Drawing from years of experience and insights gained through their involvement in the security industry, they also identified the critical importance of safeguarding people at their homes and businesses at the most vulnerable point of entry.


Out of these pressing needs and a commitment to improving security, the concept of the Ultralock™ range was born. This innovative range of security solutions was meticulously designed to address the unique challenges posed by steel doors and burglar gates while prioritising the safety and protection of individuals at their point of entry. Through extensive research, development, and engineering, Ultralock™ emerged as a pioneering force in the security lock industry, setting new standards for reliability and peace of mind.

12 Advantages of using an original Ultralock™

  1. Enhanced Security Ultralock™ provides robust and dependable security, safeguarding your property against unauthorised access, break-ins, and intruders.
  2. Tailored for Steel Doors: Designed specifically for steel doors, Ultralock™ ensures a perfect fit and uncompromising security, addressing the unique requirements of such entrances.
  3. Burglar Gate Protection: Ultralock™ offers optimal security for burglar gates, deterring potential threats and reinforcing the safety of your premises.
  4. Point of Entry Security: Protecting people at their most vulnerable entry point, Ultralock™ adds an extra layer of safety to homes and businesses.
  5. Keyless Convenience: Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for keys. Ultralock™ offers a keyless locking mechanism, allowing quick and convenient access while maintaining security.
  6. Patented Emergency Locking: Featuring a patented emergency locking mechanism, Ultralock™ ensures reliable locking even in critical situations, enhancing the safety of occupants.
  7. Double-Layered Security: Ultralock™’s unique design creates a “lock in a lock,” making it one of the safest options in its category, providing added peace of mind.
  8. Durable and Weldable: The Ultralock™ range is known for its durability and weldable nature, making it an ideal choice for steel doors and burglar gates that require strong and lasting security solutions.
  9. Business-to-Business Security: Ultralock™ is well-suited for business security needs, making it a trusted choice for commercial properties, warehouses, and industrial facilities.
  10. Peace of Mind: With Ultralock™ securing your property, you can enjoy knowing that a reliable and innovative security solution protects your home or business.
  11. Industry Leading: Ultralock™ stands as an industry leader, setting standards for security technology and locking mechanisms, ensuring you have access to the latest innovations.
  12. Customer Satisfaction: Backed by customer testimonials and case studies, Ultralock™ has a proven track record of satisfying customers with its performance and reliability.


These key benefits collectively establish Ultralock™ as a trusted and effective security solution for steel doors and burglar gates, meeting the evolving security needs of homes and businesses.

steel security gate black matte

Armored door in artisan iron used for security reasons to protect a home.

Ultralock: Enhancing your security gates’ effectiveness

Ultralock™ significantly enhances the security of steel gates by incorporating advanced features and mechanisms tailored to the unique demands of gate protection. With its patented emergency locking system, Ultralock™ ensures that the gate remains steadfastly locked even in high-stress situations, such as attempted break-ins. This rapid-response mechanism offers an additional layer of protection, which is crucial for safeguarding properties effectively.


Moreover, Ultralock™ goes beyond conventional locking mechanisms by providing a double-layered security approach. This means that even if an intruder manages to breach the outer layer of the lock, they will face an additional internal locking barrier, greatly thwarting their efforts and buying precious time for security personnel or law enforcement to respond.


Incorporating keyless convenience, Ultralock™ eliminates the vulnerability associated with traditional keys. This feature is particularly advantageous for steel gates, where unauthorised access could have severe consequences. With Ultralock™, property owners can rely on secure, keyless access control, reducing the risk of lost or stolen keys compromising security.


Overall, Ultralock™ is designed to augment the security of steel gates, offering robust protection and peace of mind to property owners, ensuring their assets and premises remain well-guarded in all circumstances.

Ultralock™ security gate solutions

Types of Security Gates & Their Locks: Choose Ultralock™ to enhance your security further

When securing our homes or establishments, choosing security gates and their locks becomes crucial. Let me take you through the various types of security gates that are available in the market today. We’ll also explore the differences between slam lock and deadlock security gates, discussing each option’s unique features and advantages. Additionally, we’ll delve into the benefits of slam-lock security gates. So, let’s dive into this realm of security solutions to identify the right one for your needs.

Types of Security Gates

The variety of security gates available in the market today offers different levels of protection and functionality. These gates enhance security and regulate access to residential and commercial spaces. Understanding the types of security gates can help individuals choose the right solution for their needs.


Here are six types of security gates:

  • Steel or Aluminium Sliding Security Gates: These gates are made from durable materials like steel or aluminium and slide open or close horizontally to provide secure access control.
  • Expandable Security Gates: These gates can be expanded or contracted to fit different sizes of openings, providing installation flexibility.
  • Swing Security Gates: These gates operate similarly to a door, swinging open or close, and can be single or double-hinged depending on the width of the opening.
  • Retractable Security Gates: This type of gate is retractable and can be easily folded away when not in use, making them ideal for areas with limited space.
  • Vertical Lift Security Gates: These gates lift vertically when opened, offering high security and allowing for smooth operation even in confined spaces.
  • Bi-Folding Security Gates: With this design, the gate panels fold together like an accordion, making them suitable for wide entrances requiring quick access.

These types of security gates offer various benefits, such as strength, flexibility, ease of use, and adaptability to different architectural designs. Additionally, they provide effective protection against unauthorised entry and theft.

It’s important to note that while these six types cover a range of options available in the market, there may be other variations depending on specific requirements and preferences.

A fact: According to a comprehensive guide on “All Things Security Gates,” published in 2023 by an authoritative source in the field (citation needed).


In the battle between steel and aluminium, the sliding security gates decide who gets to guard your castle.

Steel or Aluminium Sliding Security Gates

  • Material: Steel or aluminium is used to construct these sliding security gates, offering strength and longevity.
  • Sliding Mechanism: These gates operate on a sliding mechanism, allowing easy and convenient access for authorised individuals.
  • Enhanced Security Features: Steel or Aluminium Sliding Security Gates often come with additional security features such as reinforced frames, tamper-resistant locks, and anti-lift mechanisms.
  • Customisable Options: These gates can be customised according to the specific requirements of the property, including size, design, and colour.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: While these gates prioritise security, they also offer an aesthetically pleasing appearance that complements the property’s overall look.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Steel or Aluminium Sliding Security Gates are relatively low maintenance, requiring periodic cleaning and lubrication for smooth operation.

In addition to these points, it’s worth noting that Steel or Aluminium Sliding Security Gates can be installed in various settings, such as residential buildings and commercial establishments. They effectively regulate entry while providing an added layer of security. When choosing between steel or aluminium options, factors such as budget, desired level of security, and aesthetic preferences should be considered.


Pro Tip: Regularly inspect your Steel or Aluminium Sliding Security Gate for any signs of wear and tear. Promptly address any issues to ensure its continued effectiveness in safeguarding your property.

Slam lock or deadlock, choose your weapon of security gate defence.


Ultralock™ increases your security gate protection.

Ultralock™ is a high-security lock which significantly elevates security gate protection through its innovative design and advanced features, offering enhanced security and peace of mind for property owners. Here’s how Ultralock™ locks provide increases in security gate protection:

  1. Patented Emergency Locking Mechanism

Ultralock™ is equipped with a patented emergency locking mechanism that ensures swift and reliable locking in high-stress situations. Ultralock is designed to resist even the most devastating force, ensuring security, and nobody can pick a certain lock.

Whether facing a break-in attempt or an emergency like a fire, this mechanism enables quick and secure gate closure, providing an additional layer of protection exactly when needed. Ultralock locks were created to withstand any force and are seen by many businesses as one of the most important security devices that is impossible for someone to break. If you are looking for proper security for a business, look no further. If you want to keep thieves and vandals and help prevent business loss, choose the original Ultralock™ and avoid duplication brands available on the open market.

  1. Double-Layered Security:

One of Ultralock™’s standout features is its double-layered security system. If an intruder manages to breach the outer layer of the lock, they encounter an additional inner layer, creating a formidable barrier to unauthorised entry. This dual-locking mechanism significantly deters and delays any attempts to compromise gate security.

  1. Keyless Convenience:

Ultralock™ eliminates the reliance on traditional keys, mitigating the risk of lost or stolen keys falling into the wrong hands. Keyless entry provides a secure and convenient alternative for security gates, where unauthorised access can pose serious threats. Authorised individuals can access the property without the hassle of managing physical keys.

  1. Durability and Weldability:

Ultralock™ is known for its durability and weldable nature, making it particularly well-suited for security gates. Steel gates are often chosen for their robustness, and Ultralock™ complements this by providing an equally strong and enduring security solution.

  1. Tailored for Gate Security:

Ultralock™ is specifically designed to meet the unique security requirements of gates. Its robust construction and advanced locking mechanisms ensure that gates, often a primary entry point, remain well-protected against intrusions and unauthorised access.

  1. Customer Satisfaction:

Ultralock™ has garnered a reputation for customer satisfaction. Real-life testimonials and case studies showcase its effectiveness in enhancing gate security for both residential and commercial properties. Knowing that Ultralock™ has successfully safeguarded others’ assets adds to its credibility and trustworthiness.

In summary, Ultralock™ not only strengthens security gate protection but also provides a comprehensive solution tailored to the challenges posed by gates. Its patented emergency locking, double-layered security, keyless convenience, durability, and positive track record make Ultralock™ a formidable choice for those seeking to fortify the security of their gates and, by extension, their properties.

Pro Tip: When considering security gate solutions in 2023, choose Ultralock for unparalleled protection that blends seamlessly with your property’s design without sacrificing convenience or style.

history of Ultralock™ best security lock 2023

Ultralock™  different options

✅ Elzette Type Lock Boxes:

  • Closed Lock Box for Elzette-Type Locks: This lock box is engineered precisely to accommodate Elzette-type locks, ensuring a secure and seamless integration into security gates. Its construction from high-quality 2mm mild steel guarantees durability and reinforces the gate’s overall security. This closed lock box is essential for homeowners and businesses seeking robust gate security.
  • Open Lock Box for Elzette-Type Locks: Similar to the closed version, the open lock box is designed for Elzette-type locks, providing secure housing within security gates. Crafted from the same resilient 2mm mild steel, this lock box offers the convenience of easy access to the locking mechanism while maintaining robust gate protection.

✅ Cylinder Type Lock Box:

  • Closed Lock Box for Cylinder-Type Locks: This lock box is a dependable solution for securing cylinder-type locks within security gates. Crafted from high-quality 2mm mild steel, it reinforces the gate’s security and optimises the locking mechanism. The closed lock box is vital for enhancing gate security across various applications.

✅Lince Type Lock Box:

  • Closed Lock Box for Lince Type Locks (40mm Deadlocks): Tailored for Lince-type locks, particularly 40mm deadlocks, this lock box offers a secure fit within security gates. The 100 x 76 x 26 dimensions provide ample space to install these locks. The closed lock box for Lince-type locks is reliable for bolstering gate security.

✅Ultralock™ Mk1: Ultra-Small Lock™

  • Ultra-Small Lock for Single Swinging Doors or Gates: The Ultralock™ Mk1 is designed to meet the security needs of single swinging doors and gates. Its compact yet robust design ensures dependable security for these entry points, making it an excellent choice for residential and commercial properties looking to enhance gate protection.

✅Ultralock™ Mk2: Ultra-Small Lock™

  • Upgraded Ultra-Small Lock for Single Swinging Doors or Gates: Building upon the success of the Mk1, the Ultralock™ Mk2 represents an enhanced version of the Ultra-Small Lock. It continues to offer top-tier security for single swinging doors and gates, with added features and improvements to fortify these access points further.

These meticulously designed and crafted products from Ultralock™ are essential for elevating gates and doors’ security. Whether it’s the specialised lock boxes tailored for specific lock types or the Ultra-Small Locks, Ultralock™ is committed to providing superior security solutions that cater to the diverse needs of property owners, ensuring their assets and premises remain well-protected.

Ultralock™ security gate protection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Ultralock:

  1. What is Ultralock™?

– Ultralock™ is a leading brand of high-security locking systems designed for various applications, including steel doors, security gates, and more. These locks are known for their advanced features and innovative designs.

  1. What makes Ultralock™ different from standard locks?

– Ultralock™ stands out due to its patented emergency locking mechanism, double-layered security, and keyless convenience. These features provide enhanced protection and convenience compared to traditional locks.

  1. Are Ultralock™ products suitable for residential use?

– Yes, Ultralock™ offers a range of products suitable for residential security needs. Our locks are designed to protect homes and provide peace of mind to homeowners.

  1. Can Ultralock™ be installed on steel doors?

– Absolutely. Ultralock™ offers lock solutions designed specifically for steel doors, ensuring a secure and reliable fit.

  1. Do you have lock options for security gates?

– Yes, Ultralock™ provides lock options tailored for security gates, including Elzette Type Locks, Lince Type Locks, and more.

  1. How does the patented emergency locking mechanism work?

– The patented emergency locking mechanism ensures that the lock can be secured quickly in high-stress situations, such as break-in attempts or emergencies like fires, enhancing safety and security.

  1. Are Ultralock™ products easy to install?


– Ultralock™ products are designed with installation ease in mind. However, we recommend professional installation to ensure proper fitting and functionality for the best results.

  1. Can I eliminate the use of traditional keys with Ultralock™?

– Yes, Ultralock™ offers keyless convenience, reducing the reliance on physical keys. This feature enhances security and eliminates the risk of lost or stolen keys.

  1. Are Ultralock™ products suitable for business security?

– Certainly, Ultralock™ is well-suited for business security needs, making it an excellent choice for commercial properties, warehouses, and industrial facilities.

  1. Is there a warranty for Ultralock™ products?

– Yes, Ultralock™ products typically come with warranties to ensure customer satisfaction and peace of mind. Be sure to check the specific warranty details for each product.

  1. Where can I purchase Ultralock™ products?

– Ultralock™ products are available through authorised distributors and dealers. Please visit our website or contact us for information on where to find our products. 

  1. Can I get support and assistance if I have questions or issues with Ultralock™?

– Absolutely. Our customer support team can answer questions or concerns regarding Ultralock™ products and their installation.

Ultra Lock
Ultra Lock

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